Sunday, June 24, 2012

Technological revolution spurs return

Dear blog,

Oh how I've missed you!  I've thought a lot about you these past two years.  I thought about you last year when I wondered how my lettuce yield compared to the year before.  I thought about you in the fall when I waited interminably for my chard to sprout, wondering whether the slow start was typical.  I started you to share with friends and keep track of my gardening lessons, but I couldn't keep up with you.  I couldn't keep up with you because uploading pictures was a pain the ass.

In the olden days, I had to plug my camera in to the computer to upload photos.  Before doing that, because I have an old camera, I had to plug the camera into the wall.  Then I had to upload the photo to my computer, and THEN to my picasa album!  Then finally to the blogger, where I painstakingly arranged it in the middle of the text window, only for it to move from being centered to left justified when I hit return.  So annoying!  But with the advent of (golly gee!) smartphones, I can now upload photos directly to my blog.  I hope this changes things.

You can see that in the intervening years, I've managed to keep my garden alive.  Some things - like the dogwood - are even thriving! I'm rotating my crops, attracting bees with annual flowers, and creating an aura of relaxation even if the garden is rarely that.  I enjoy the view, though, many times each day.  



Lindsay said...

Welcome back! Are the snow peas and raspberries as tasty as I remember? Garden looks great.

Rachel said...

Lindsay, we had a really cold, wet spring so there are no raspberries yet! I'm wondering if I inadvertently killed the spring-blooming ones? I'm going to watch for that...