Thursday, July 14, 2011

Garden Injustice

Nobody comes here anymore. 

I don't even come here anymore! 

But maybe I'll start again.  Blogger is advertising all kids of new features at me so maybe it will be easier to upload photos, my big limiter from over a year ago.  After all, if you ever visited regularly, you  probably only came for the photos.  Well, come back in a couple of weeks.  You should SEE what is happening in the bed for Tom!  The asparagus is going nuts!  It's amazing!

But today I felt compelled to write and share a little diddy from the Great State of Michigan.  Check this out:

This lady has been charged with a misdemeanor because she planted raised beds in her front yard.  Not even on the parking strip, mind you, in her yard!  I guess feeding your family the hyperlocal way is a crime in Michigan.  This is extra funny given all the hoopla about urban farming in Detroit which, by the way, warms my heart.  I'm sure this case will be dropped, but even if it is, she seems to be a budding gardener as well, learning her way through veggies as I am.  Good luck, OakParkHatesVeggies!